Welcome to my NOW page where I keep you up to date with my latest news!

What We Are Digesting Now

I love reading, learning, digesting and sharing insights into what we are enjoying at the moment. Books, Documentaries, Podcasts, Movies, they can polarise opinion so I don't expect everyone to agree with us so if you have any views please share them. Oh, and I love hearing about new stuff so please share your recommendations as well!

The War of Art

The War of Art

Game changing, life changing. This is a must read folks, trust me on this one. Resistance is a human form of self sabotage and this provides some proper sound advice on how to get in control of it and be the boss!

The Social Dilemma

The Social Dilemma

I see this as a must watch for pretty much anyone over the age of when they are about to get a phone. It is thought provoking, disturbing, mind-blowing, fascinating, and current. How did you feel after watching this? 

Information Security Management Principles

Information Security Management Principles

At Crestwood Search we strive to differentiate ourselves from other recruiters and one of the ways we do it us by learning about our sectors. This is a brilliant introduction to information security and is helping us build a solid foundation of knowledge.

The Hard Thing About Hard Things by Ben Horowitz

The Hard Thing About Hard Things by Ben Horowitz

A must read for anyone who has been through or is going through the challenge of building a company, a team, working through a tough relationship or just following a dream. Forget the fancy books that give you colourful Org charts and tell you how to manage that super motivated group of people. What about when you have to fire your best friend? Or you have just enough cash to pay the rent and staff but not yourself…?

Latest Events & Blogs

Let us know your thoughts on my blogs, if you are going to be at any of the same events or if there are other events I can join you at, I love networking and meaningful conversation!

Going to the Vancouver Data Connectors Cybersecurity Conference

Going to the Vancouver Data Connectors Cybersecurity Conference

Vancouver Data Connectors Cybersecurity Conference

Going to B|SIDES VANCOUVER - APRIL 29-30, 2023

Going to B|SIDES VANCOUVER - APRIL 29-30, 2023

I will be heading over to Vancouver next month for the 10th annual BSides Vancouver! BSides Vancouver is brought to you by M.A.R.S., a not-for-profit, independently run organization. The event is a community supported cyber security conference and part of the worldwide Security BSides movement. 

Let me know if you are planning on being there!

Indigenous Canada - Online Course - University of Alberta

Indigenous Canada - Online Course - University of Alberta

I have immersed myself in a fantastic online learning course to gain more insight into the history of the Indigenous Peoples of Canada. I passionately believe in the importance of understanding the complexities of this crucially important part of Canada's history, both for my own knowledge but also, so that I can pass it on to my children.

Vancouver Cybersecurity Conference October 6th 2022

Vancouver Cybersecurity Conference October 6th 2022

I will be at the Vancouver Cybersecurity Conference this Thursday October 6th. Let me know if you are going and let's catch up!

#cybersecurity #networkingevent #relationships #linkedin #cyber

An evening with Rich Roll

An evening with Rich Roll

An evening with Rich Roll!

Rodney Fraser speaking at TENG Virtual Networking Event (New York)

Rodney Fraser speaking at TENG Virtual Networking Event (New York)

Very pleased to have been invited to be a guest speaker at the March virtual networking event with TENG (Technology Executives Networking Group) on Thursday 11th March 2021.

We are expanding our offering to the US!

We are expanding our offering to the US!

The time has come for Crestwood Search to pivot our focus to the United States of America! We are super excited about the next chapter in our journey and look forward to building long standing partnerships with high cailbre people in the Cyber Security sector!

CISO breakfast networking event

CISO breakfast networking event

The Delaunay, 55 Aldwych, London, WC2B 4BB 8am – 9.30am
